Hi everyone, today we’re going to learn how to make cheese bread. So grab your pen and paper to jot down the ingredients, then follow the complete preparation method.
Easy to prepare and with a wonderful flavor, this recipe is ideal for many occasions and can be made quickly. See below the list of all ingredients and required quantities. And then, a very complete preparation method with details of the recipe.
To begin, using a blender, add the milk, sour cream, eggs, oil, salt and grated semi-hard cheese.
Then blend all the ingredients well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Then distribute the dough into previously greased and floured pie tins, filling them to about one finger from the edge.
Finally, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and bake in a preheated oven at 356 °F or 180 °C for approximately 35 minutes.
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Hello, everyone, today we're going to learn how to make Skillet Bread using simple ingredients.…
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